The Acid Alkaline Diet
Do you feel and look older than you are? Are you experiencing fatigue and health problems? Have you been putting on weight even though your diet is not all that bad? Do you look and feel 10 years older than you are? If so then maybe it is time for you to re-think the way you diet. In order to avoid premature aging and realize significant weight loss our bodies must avoid a high acidity level. This can only be achieved with the practice of a good alkaline diet.
When your body has higher acidity levels in it amazing things begin to happen. The body wants to survive and will do anything to ensure that survival. One of its defense mechanisms is to produce extra fat cells in your body. Why? Simple, fat cells absorb acid. In the opinion of your body, it is better to have extra fat cells to store the acid than to let the acid get to vital organs, which would eventually kill it. This explains why so many people have had such a hard time with weight loss. When you take your body back to a more alkaline state via a good alkaline diet, the weight will literally melt off. The body will no longer need the extra fat cells to combat the acid, because the acidity level in your body will be right where nature intended it to be.
Another negative point to high acidity levels in the body is the fact that it hurts our inner terrain. This opens us up to all sorts of health problems, such as impotence, head aches and cancer, just to name a few. This is all a direct result of premature aging. Again, you may be 40 years old, but you may look like you are 50. That is because your body is working too hard to combat the effects of high acidity levels. But the body can only do so much and eventually begins to break down. It is this break down of the body that is premature aging. Some of the signs of premature aging are fatigue, depression, constant illness like colds and flues, muscle pain and joint pain. All this just because our lifestyles dictate an unhealthy and non-alkaline diet.
By now you are probably wondering what you can do to stop this. This is the easy part; start practicing a healthy alkaline diet. This can easily be accomplished by eating alkaline foods and is even made simpler by drinking large amounts of alkaline antioxidant water. As crazy as it sounds, in just a few days you will notice an immediate impact. Within a couple of weeks you will feel better than you have in years. The reason is simple; you are putting your body back into harmony by creating an alkaline environment, which is how we were all designed to be. You will feel better and look better but that is only on the outside. On the inside you will have many benefits that you will not ever see, but if it could, your body would say thank you.
It is merely a shift in our way of thinking that keeps us from feeling the best we can. A healthy alkaline diet will not only keep the acidity levels in our bodies down and thusly help us to avoid health problems, but we will achieve many welcomed side effect such as weight loss and the halting of premature aging in its tracks. Do yourself the favor of beginning an alkaline diet with alkaline foods and lots of alkaline antioxidant water and you will not regret it. After all, we only get one life and it is meant to be lived to its fullest potential!