What is pH Balance?

Ever wonder what all the hype is about pH balance? Acid, alkaline, pH level, pH scale; these are words you may hear once in a while, but what does it all mean? The following will answer your question “What is pH balance”?

What is pH Balance?

In order to fully understand the benefits of alkaline water and alkaline foods, you must answer this question; what is pH balance? The importance of the pH level in your blood will determine if your body is more acid or alkaline and this is measured with the pH scale. Why is this important? Without the proper pH level you die, plain and simple.

The reason the pH scale was developed was because there are so many variables in different solutions and there needed to be a way to measure these variables. Thus the pH scale was born.

On the most basic level, pH measures the H+ and OH-. The pH level of a solution is defined as a negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration and the pH scale measures this and places a value on it ranging from 0 to 14. With 7 obviously being neutral, the lower the number goes, the more acid is found in the solution and the higher the number goes the more alkaline the solution is.

An acid adds hydrogen ions to a solution, but additionally removes hydroxide ions because of the frequency of H+ to combine with OH- to form water. The base (alkaline) has the opposite effect with an increasing OH- concentration but also reducing the H+ concentration by the formation of water.

Each pH unit in the pH scale signifies a tenfold difference of the H+ and OH- concentration. It is this mathematical feature that makes the pH scale so compact. For instance, a solution of pH 2 is not twice as acidic as a solution of pH 4, but a hundred times more acidic. Therefore when the pH level of a solution changes even slightly, it actually changes the concentrations of H+ and OH- quite substantially.

Now that we have answered the question what is pH balance on a scientific level, let’s look at some different solutions and discover what their assigned number is on the pH scale. Some common solutions that can be found just about anywhere are as follows:

  • Lemon Juice and Stomach Acid, 2
  • Vinegar, Beer and Cola, 3
  • Tomato Juice, 4
  • Black Coffee and Rainwater, 5
  • Urine, 6
  • Pure Water and Blood, 7
  • Seawater, 8-9
  • Milk of Magnesia, 10
  • Household Ammonia, 11
  • Household Bleach 12-13
  • Oven Cleaner 14

Substances at the two extremes (less than pH 1 or greater than pH 13) are extremely oppressive and corrosive. Examples include, sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid on the acid end, and caustic soda on the alkaline end. Obviously neither is good so it is getting easier to see why a balanced pH level is important.

When it comes to our bodies, pH levels are extremely important. With the exception of stomach acid, most biological fluids are between pH 6 and pH 8 on the pH scale. The internal pH of most living cells is close to pH 7. When there is even a slight change in the pH, this can be extremely harmful because the chemical processes of the cells are sensitive to the concentration of hydrogen and hydroxide ions. Biological fluids can resist change to their own pH when acids and bases are introduced because of the presence of buffers. Buffers in human blood for example maintain the blood pH level very close to 7.4. This is important because a person cannot survive if the pH level of their blood drops to 7 or rises to 7.8.

Our bodies are in a constant war to keep our pH levels in check. But our lifestyles and the acid in the foods and liquids we ingest make it nearly impossible for our bodies to do their job. We can help our bodies maintain the proper pH level by ensuring that we ingest more alkaline foods according to the pH scale and drink plenty of alkaline water. It is not just essential to ensure our good health, but to ensure we live at all. To answer the question, what is pH balance in layman’s term, pH is the balance of our bodies, which must be accurate for us to have life.